Policies & Procedures
- Colonial School Student and Family Handbook
- School Day Schedule
- Attendance and Lateness
- Traffic Safety & Regulations
Colonial School Student and Family Handbook
School Day Schedule
Regular School Day
8:20 am: First bell - school doors open
8:25 am: Late bell
8:30 am - 12:00 noon: Morning instruction
12:00 noon - 1:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Children must be back in school
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Afternoon instruction
3:05 pm: Dismissal
6 Day Schedule
Specials programs run on a 6 day cycle. Please refer to the Pelham calendar for the day of the cycle. Your child’s teacher will alert you to each special and the day in the cycle it takes place throughout the year.
Attendance and Lateness
Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. Persistent absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a student and is a serious problem.
New York State law defines the following conditions as legal absences: sickness of child; death in family; poor weather, making travel unsafe; religious observance; quarantine; and health treatment.
Parents are requested to call the school if a child is to be absent. Upon return to school a child must present a written explanation from a parent stating the reason for the absence. (914) 738-2680.
Children are expected to be in school on time (8:25 a.m./1:00 p.m.). Specials will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. Those arriving after these times are to report to the office and are considered Tardy. Chronic lateness will not be tolerated and will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
If a child must be excused from school early, a note must be sent to the principal in advance explaining the reason. For safety, the school will dismiss children only to the custody of their parents, or to a person authorized by the parent and known to the school authorities who will sign the child out in the office. Under no circumstances may a child leave the school alone.
Traffic Safety & Regulations
Children in grades 3-5 who have their parent’s permission may ride their bicycles/scooters to school. Bicycle racks are provided on the lower playground. Students are responsible for having their bicycles chained and locked. Bicycle and scooter helmets must be worn. Scooters should be placed in lockers. No riding of bicycles and scooters is allowed on school property.
Crossing Guards
Village of Pelham Crossing guards are on duty daily as follows:
- Highbrook and Boulevard - 7:55 to 8:35 and from 2:55 to 3:30
- Pelhamdale and Boulevard - 7:55 to 8:35 and from 2:55 to 3:30
- Wolfs Lane and Boulevard - 7:40 to 8:30 and 11:55 to 1:05 and 2:30 to 3:35
- Highbrook and Washington - 7:50 to 8:30 and from 3:00 to 3:35
- Highbrook and First Street - 7:50 to 8:30 and from 3:00 to 3:35
Vehicle Safety
Highbrook Avenue (in front of school):
- Drop off on Highbrook Ave from Boulevard to the safety cones is allowed only if the driver stays in the car, drops off children quickly at the curb, and departs immediately after dropping off. There is no parking, stopping or standing on Highbrook from Boulevard to the cones. Standing is permitted on Highbrook past the cones on the RIGHT side. Parking is permitted on Boulevard or on Highbrook one block north of the school.
- No drop off or pick up is permitted in front of the cones.
Pelhamdale Avenue (in back of school):
- Drop off only (no parking or standing) is permitted on the playground side (northbound lane) of Pelhamdale Ave. in the morning. Pick up is not permitted on the playground side (northbound lane) of Pelhamdale in the afternoon.
- Parking is available on Pelhamdale Ave. one block north of the school, and on Boulevard.
Other Notes
- Please observe all parking signs and use the crosswalks.
- Please drive slowly and responsibly at all times on the streets surrounding the school. Pedestrians must remain on the sidewalk, cross at the corners, and MUST NOT stray into the “No parking, no standing, no stopping zone” in front of the school. Please cross your children at the corner at all times.
- Please do not stand with engines running on Highbrook or Pelhamdale. Our neighbors complain about idling engines, the fumes pollute young lungs and it is illegal in Westchester County to sit in a car with the engine idling for more than three minutes. PLEASE LET YOUR CAREGIVERS KNOW THAT IDLING IS NOT PERMITTED ON PELHAMDALE AND HIGHBROOK.
- Dogs are not permitted on school property at any time.