About Us
Colonial School strives to create a nurturing and supportive environment that prepares children to be life-long learners and contributing members in a democratic society. The Colonial School Community includes administration, faculty, staff, parents, and students. It celebrates diversity and expects all members to respect on another, take responsibility for their actions, and make ethical choices. The community will work together to encourage students to accept challenges, take risks and reach their potential.
We the people of the Student Government, at Colonial School, in order to form a more perfect school environment, establish respect, ensure school-wide tranquility, promote general education and secure the fruits of knowledge for ourselves and our prosperity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the Student Government of Colonial School.
Article 1:
We will follow the Colonial School Motto, "Where the friends are", by being respectful and kind to every student, teacher, adult and visitor who is in our school.
Article 2:
We will govern ourselves by a code of conduct representing the three "R's": Respectful: We will respect each others space, opinions, and property. Responsible: We will be responsible for our actions. Reasonable'. We will treat others with fairness and equality in or outside of the school.
Article 3:
We will strive to keep Colonial School safe and neat.
Article 4:
We will come to school each day prepared to learn and to fully participate in classroom activities.
Article 5:
We will ensure every student's right to participate in indoor and outside recess activities.
Article 6:
We will strive to be good role models for students in lower grades.
First Colonial School in 1908
Occupying the same lot it does today, the original Colonial School in Pelham Heights was built in 1900, a four-classroom, two-story brick building “with a very noisy wooden staircase” that forced teachers to stop lessons when students went to recess. The opening of Siwanoy School in 1910 resulted in the closing of Colonial, but an increase in population required not only its reopening but also the renting of a home at 105 Boulevard as “an auxiliary elementary school.”
Sometime prior to 1921, the school was condemned by the State Board of Education. With enrollment still on the rise, the Board of Education approved a new Colonial School, regretting only that it “could not provide more playground space for the children now attending and those that will attend.”
The annex to Colonial School shown in 1918
The cornerstone ceremony took place on Nov. 21 1926 and the school was completed in 1927, dedicated to “the truth and virtue in the interest of the children who will begin their education there.” In his address, James Elliott, chairman of Building and Grounds Committee of the Board of Education, added, “The little (children) attending this school from five to 12 years of age are passing through their most receptive age. Let us all strive together, parents and teachers, to develop these young people entrusted to our care into useful and happy citizens of our great country.”
In the late 1990s, the Colonial Site-Based Council worked with District administrators and architects on an innovative expansion that was approved by the community and resulted in a new library and other renovations to Colonial.
The cornerstone ceremony for the
new school in 1926.
Cars line up outside of Colonial School.